Welcome to my RC Blog

I intend to use this blog to showcase some of my Radio Control Adventures.
I'm a long time RC Fan, and have had everything from Planes, Cars, Boats to Helicopters.
I'm currently building a Quadcopter with FPV and also a small foamy park fly setup that the FPV may also be used on.
My builds will be updated on here as I go.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Quad Build

All the parts have arrived, build went smoothly....but for the motor mounts not working out!
I needed to make 4 adapter plates to sort this issue out.
It was an easy build, but to get wires and everything mounted tidy it took a little work.
I had to drill holes in the carbon rods in the centre to allow the speed controller wires to pass through.
The QBrain/KK2.1 also need a little trick doing to keep them to work well together. That is taking the positive and negative from the 3rd Motor input wire of the QBrain and transferring to the first motor plug. Otherwise the KK2.1 won't power on.
All ready for its tuning flights, I put a little white tape on, to aid in co-ordination.
I still need to balance the props (waiting on delivery of my prop balancer), but with a little tweaking it flies really well. A bit like a heli but without the butt clenching moments!
Now I need to set about making up some brackets etc for the mounting of both my FPV camera and my recording camera.......